About Us
What inspired us to create Yuzen?
We recognize that people crave a quiet moment to pause, but so rarely give themselves permission or the time to do so. Yuzen encourages reconnection with that quiet, wise place inside all of us. We provide supportive and eco-conscious products that people can feel good about – and more importantly, nourish that space. We’ve long been inspired by companies and organizations “doing good” in the world. Yuzen is our way of sharing the very best of the best.
How is Yuzen different from sample box subscriptions?
Yuzen offers a box of elegant items to subscribers every 3 months. We have seen the emergence of the sample box trend, but many do not offer products that are eco-friendly, natural, or organic. We focus on the experience of relaxation, pause and delight that each box embodies. Our selection and packaging is carefully designed for a well rounded offering of surprise presented in an elegant package. Most of our products are premium sample-sized which can last well over a month. Each box is also valued at much more than the subscription price. We recognize that consumers have begun asking where they can find the purest and best quality products, but are often overwhelmed by all the choices. Each Yuzen box selection is carefully curated to provide amazing, healthy lifestyle products people can trust while being convenient for you.
What are our criteria for inclusion?
We always look to quality, mission, and integrity before we put it to our Yuzen test. We evaluate its performance, experience the benefits first hand, and then we share our favorites. The selected companies are the highest of quality, transparent in mission, and beautiful. Conscious consumers, otherwise known as LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) consumers, have long been seeking Yuzen. These consumers are savvy and want effective premium quality products from companies with LOHAS values.
Why did we choose the name Yuzen?
Yuzen is the name of a type of exquisite Japanese paper, also known as chiyogami. Yuzen is made by Japanese artisans, and is created using an intricate multi-step process that layers patterns and color. It seemed a perfect fit for the intentionality we bring to our seasonal offerings. Each box comes with a different piece of authentic yuzen paper. We hope people find their own ways to repurpose the paper for bookmarks, decorating gifts, and other creative uses.
What is our background?
After college, we travelled to Asia together and found it to be incredibly fascinating and influential. It opened our eyes in so many ways. We experienced exotic landscapes, culture and cuisine, but more importantly new points of view about the human experience and the extremes of poverty and hardship.
After some time in Southeast Asia, we lived in the Japan Alps of Nagano for 4 years and learned that Japanese country living took a slower and more attentive approach to life. We loved experiencing the pace and cadence of Japan and it affected us deeply. This is what country living essentially is all about – slowing down to the rhythms of seasons and nature, and Japan especially has its own particular way of doing this. It allowed us to take in the brilliance of Japanese autumn colors, the warmth of neighbors’ kindness, the beauty and delicacy of spring cherry blossoms, and the appreciation of traditional local food, festivals and culture.
When we moved back to the States, Jen continued her connection to the international world as part of international education at the University of Colorado. Now at Yuzen fulltime, she is key in the design of the contents of each box. She has a gift of attentiveness to subtle detail. In the meantime, Ted stepped into the role of Executive Director of LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) and promotes the awareness and expansion of the conscious consumer marketplace. Ted works closely with companies that are mission based and health or environmentally-oriented.
Yuzen is a labor of love for us. We are both inspired by companies who knit together multiple LOHAS missions at once. Whether a company focuses on community building, sustainability, fair-trade, wellness, organics, or a combination of missions, LOHAS brands have discovered both innovation and creativity. Through Yuzen, we want share these amazing companies and their products.
But more essential than our word, is yours. If you would like to share your thoughts and experiences, we would love to hear from you and how Yuzen is bringing a little more Zen into your life. Please join the conversation on our blog or Facebook page.
We look forward to discovering more wonderful companies and products together!